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Shortly about Gili Air Island

Gili Air is a small 5 km island located off the north west coast of Lombok, Indonesia. It's part of three peanut sized islands known as "the Gili Islands".

Gili Air means small water island in the local Sasak language. "Gili" is "small island" and "Air" means "water". It was named because it's the only island out of the three Gilis which has a natural source of fresh water. It's the closest island to Lombok, and is considered to be the “medium” island

Religion on Gili Islands

Gili Air is governed to Lombok religious beliefs which is Islam.

There is a Mosque on Gili Air that is operating for the local population.

You will hear the Muezzin all aroung Gili at the prayer times. This is part of the Indonesian culture but we can understand that it can be disturbing at night. We recommend to bring earplugs to anticipate the possible discomfort you might encounter.


If you're not swimming or sunbathing, we strongly recommend not to walk in bikinis (for ladies) / without a T-shirt (for gentlemen). Let's respect religion and beautiful local community.

Ways to explore 

Gili Islands are free of any vehicles or motorbikes. The best way to explore - to hire bicycle or to walk. In case you have heavy luggage there are Cidomos (horse-drawn carts). 

Animals on the islands

From plump roosters and chickens dashing all over the roads to cows, goats and cats; healthy, happy cats are literally everywhere! If you love visiting cat cafes, then come to Gili Air; it’s a cat island! No dogs are allowed on any of the Gili islands.

Is it safe there?

Gili Islands are very safe, but still be conscious about your personal belongings.

What about denge fever?

We havent heard of any Dengue fever case for the last 10 years on Gili Air.

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